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Dr. Sarah Sugden Au.D., F-AAA

Co-Founder & Owner, Doctor of Audiology

AIB Certified Vestibular and Concussion

Fyzical Level III Vestibular Certified

Dr. Sarah Sugden is an esteemed audiologist, renowned for her specialized expertise in diagnostic hearing assessments and the evaluation of balance and dizziness issues, particularly through VNG (Videonystagmography) testing. She holds a Clinical Doctorate in Audiology from the University of Florida, a Master's Degree in Audiology from Syracuse University, and a Bachelor's Degree from Nazareth College.


Certified by the American Institute of Balance (AIB) in concussion and vestibular rehabilitation, Dr. Sugden is also extensively trained in vestibular rehab, holding Level I, II, and III certifications in Fyzical Vestibular Rehabilitation. This advanced training enables her to expertly manage and treat complex cases involving vestibular disorders that often contribute to balance difficulties and dizziness.


As the co-founder and co-owner of East Coast Audiology and Physical Therapy, Dr. Sugden is committed to utilizing cutting-edge technology and evidence-based practices to enhance patient outcomes. Her approach to patient care is both comprehensive and personalized, ensuring that each individual’s unique health needs are met with the utmost attention and expertise.


Outside the clinic, Dr. Sugden is passionate about spending quality time outdoors with her family. She enjoys jet skiing and traveling, often finding herself exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. Her love for the beach is particularly profound, offering her a perfect backdrop for relaxation and family time.


Dr. Sugden’s professional achievements and personal interests beautifully merge her dedication to her field with her love for adventure and family, making her a well-rounded professional who deeply understands the importance of health and wellness in achieving a balanced life.



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